By Sarah Louise Bassingthwaighte
Copyright © 2002 by Sarah Louise Bassingthwaighte. All rights reserved.


Books | Musical Scores | Concert Program Notes | Articles in Newspapers | Articles in Journals and Periodicals | Written Material Accompanying Recordings | Web Sites | Email Communications | Interviews


Academie Bourges. Analysis in Electroacoustic Music. Vol. 2. Bourges Cedex France: Editions Mnemosyne, 1997.

Apel, Paul Hermann. Music of the Americas, North and South. New York: Vantage Press, 1958.

Appleton, Jon H. and Perera, Ronald C., eds. The Development and Practice of Electronic Music. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975.

Arnold, Denis. The New Oxford Companion to Music. Vol. 1, A–J. London: Oxford University Press, 1983.

Artaud, Pierre-Yves. Present Day Flutes: Contemporary Techniques. Paris: Editions Jobert, 1980.

"Available Recordings of Works by Women Composers." High Fidelity/Musical America vol. 23 (February 1974).

Bartolozzi, Bruno. New Sounds for Woodwinds. 2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1982.

Block, Adrienne Fried and Carol Neuls-Bates. Women in American Music: Bibliography of Music and Literature. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979.

Boenke, Heidi, ed. Flute Music by Women Composers: An Annotated Catalog. (Music Reference Collection no. 16.) New York: Greenwood Press, 1988.

Burnand, D. "Music Technology: Opportunities and Threats." Royal Conservatory of Music Annual (1996), pp. 35-9.

Carlson, Effie. A Bio-Bibliographical Dictionary of 12-Tone and Serial Composers.Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1975.

Cary, Tristram. Dictionary of Musical Technology. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992.

Chadabe, Joel. Electric Sounds: the Past and Promise of Electronic Music. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1996.

Claghorn, Gene. Women Composers and Hymnists: A Concise Biographical Dictionary. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1984.

Cohen, Aaron I. International Cyclopedia of Women Composers. New York and London: R.R. Bowker Co., 1981.

Cummings, David M. "Davidovsky, Mario," International Who's Who in Music and Musician's Directory. 15th ed. Cambridge: Melrose Press Ltd., 1996, p. 206.

Cummings, David M. "Oliveros, Pauline," International Who's Who in Music and Musician's Directory. 15th ed. Cambridge: Melrose Press Ltd., 1996, p. 704.

Cummings, David M. "Thome, Diane," International Who's Who in Music and Musician's Directory. 15th ed. Cambridge: Melrose Press Ltd., 1996, pp. 931-2.

DeLaney, Charles. Teacher's Guide to the Flute. Elkhart, IN: Selmer Co., 1969.

Dick, Robert. The Other Flute: Tone Development Through Extended Techniques. Vol. 1. New York: Edu-Tainment Publishing Co., 1978.

Dunn, David. "A History of Electronic Music Pioneers." In Dunn, David, ed. Eigenwelt der Apparatewelt: Pioneers of Electronic Art. (Exhibit catalog for Ars Electronica 1992; Linz, Austria.) Santa Fe, NM: The Vasulkas, Inc., 1992.

Edmunds, John and Boelzner, Gordon. Some 20th-Century American Composers: A Selective Biography. Vols. 1 and 2. New York: New York Public Library, 1959 – 60.

Ewen, David. Composers Since 1900. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1969.

Hixon, Dan L. and Hennessee, Don. Women in Music: A Bibliography. Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, 1975.

Howell, Thomas. The Avant-Garde Flute: A Handbook for Composers and Flutists. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974.

Huber, David Miles. Microphone Manual: Design and Application. Sams & Co: Indianapolis, IN, 2001, p. 93.

Krell, John. Kincaidiana. Culver City, CA: Trio Associates, 1973.

Kujoth, Jean Spealman. Subject Guide to Periodical Indexes and Review Indexes. Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, 1969.

Kurtz, Michael. Stockhausen: A Biography. London: Faber and Faber, 1992.

LeJeune, Harriett Peacock. Postscripts for Thinking Flutists. New York: Vantage Press, 1964.

Lerner, Ellen. The Music of Selected Contemporary American Women Composers: A Stylistic Analysis. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts, 1976.

Luening, Otto. "An Unfinished History of Electronic Music." Music Educators Journal (November 1968).

Leuning, Otto. The Odyssey of an American Composer. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1980.

Mather Roger. The Art of Playing the Flute. Vols. 1–3. Iowa City, IA: Romney Press, 1989.

Nyfenger, Thomas. Music and the Flute. Guilford, CT: Thomas Nyfenger, 1986.

Oliveros, Pauline. Software for People. Baltimore, MD: Smith Publications, 1986.

Pavlakis, Christopher. The American Music Handbook. New York: The Free Press, 1974.

Pellman, S. An Introduction to the Creation of Electroacoustic Music.Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1994.

Porea, A.R. "Electro-Acoustic Musician Historical Overview." Dissertational Abstract vol. 59 (March 1999).

Rainey, Thomas E. The Flute Manual: A Comprehensive Text and Resource Book. New Wilmington, PA: Son-Rise, 1988.

Robinson, Lisa B. "Oliveros, Pauline." In Sadie, Julie Anne and Samuel, Rhian, eds. The New Grove Dictionary of Women Composers. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1994.

Russcol, Herbert. The Liberation of Sound: An Introduction to Electronic Music. Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1972.

Schwartz, Elliott. Electronic Music: A Listener's Guide. New York : Praeger, 1975.

Smith, Catherine Parsons. "Thome, Diane." In Sadie, Julie Anne and Samuel, Rhian, eds. The New Grove Dictionary of Women Composers. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1994.

Stevens, Roger S. Artistic Flute: Techniques and Study. Hollywood, CA: Golden West Music Press, 1967.

Steward, Oliver. Words and Music for a Mechanical Man. London: Faber and Faber, 1967.

Stokes/Condon. Special Effects for the Flute. Santa Monica, CA: Trio Associates, 1976.

Talalay, Kathryn M., ed. A Checklist of Source Materials By and About Women in American Music. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University School of Music, 1977.

Thomson, Virgil. American Music Since 1910. New York: Holt, Rinehard, and Winston, 1971.

Toff, Nancy. The Development of the Modern Flute. New York: Taplinger Publications, 1979.

Toff, Nancy. The Flute Book. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Trimble, Lester, "Davidovsky, Mario." In Sadie, Stanley and Hitchcock, H. Wiley, eds. New Grove Dictionary of American Music. Vol. 1. London: Macmillan Ltd., 1986.

Varese, Louise. Varese: A Looking-Glass Diary. Vol. 1, 1883–1928. New York: W.W. Norton Co., Inc., 1972.

Voxman, Himie and Merriman, Lyle, eds. Woodwind Solo and Study Material Guide. Evanston, IL: The Instrumentalist Co., 1975.

Webb, Robert. Building the Tone from the Bottom Up. Oskaloosa, IA: C. L. Barnhouse Company, 1989.

Wenk, Arthur B., ed. Analyses of 20th Century Music, 1940 — 1970. (Music Library Association Series, no. 13.) Ann Arbor, MI: Music Library Association, 1975.

Williams, Michael D., ed. Source: Music of the Avant-Garde: Annotated List of Contents and Cumulated Indices. Vols. 4–11. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Music Library Association, 1968–1974.

Zaimont, Judith Lang. The Musical Women: An International Perspective. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1983.

Musical Scores

Antas, Linda. A River From the Walls, for flute and computer-realized sound. Composer's edition, 1999.

Battey, Bret. Pater Noster's Tricyclic Companion, for flute and tape, for Sarah Bassingthwaighte. Seattle, WA: Bat Hat Media, 1998.

Davidovsky, Mario. Synchronisms no. 1 for flute and electronic sounds. New York: McGinnis and Marx, 1966.

Karpen, Richard. Exchange, for flute and computer generated tape. Composer's edition, 1987.

Thome, Diane. Bright Air / Brilliant Fire, for flute and tape. Leipzig: Edition Peters, 2001.

Concert Program Notes

Thome, Diane. Program notes for iChamber Players concert, "Virtual Encounters." Tempe, AZ: The Katherine K. Herberger College of Fine Arts at Arizona State University, 19 November 2001. Reproduced at <http://isa.hc.asu.edu/ichamber/upcoming_programs_19notes.asp> (1 May 2002).

Mario Davidovsky biography. In program notes for The Network Ensemble concert, "New Music for Percussion and Ensemble." Philadelphia, PA: Temple University, 28 January 2000. Reproduced at <http://www.networkfornewmusic.org/davidovsky.html> (2 May 2002).

Articles in Newspapers

Oliveros, Pauline. "And Don't Call Them Lady Composers." New York Times, 13 Sept 1970.

Thomson, Virgil. "Greatest Music Teacher at Seventy-Five." New York Times Magazine, 4 February 1962.

Winningham, Emily. "UW Music Professor Electrifies Love of Music." The Daily of the University of Washington, 17 January 1996.

Articles in Journals and Periodicals

Antas, Linda. "CARTAH Interview: An Interview with Composer Bret Battey." CARTAH Newsletter. Winter 1999. <http://www.washington.edu/cartah/info/newsletters/winter99/> May 2002.

Appleton, J. "Musical Storytelling." Contemporary Music Review vol. 15, no. 1-2 (1996).

Arpel, Anna Laura. "Electric Sound: The Past and Promise of Electronic Music." Computer Music Journal vol. 21, no. 3 (Fall 1997).

Austin, K. "Letters: On Identity and Fragmentation of the EA/CM Community." Computer Music Journal vol. 20, no. 1 (1996).

Bayly, Richard. "Ussachevsky on Varese: An Interview." Perspectives of New Music (Fall-Winter 1982 / Spring-Summer 1983).

Bidlack, Rick. "Gilles Gobeil: La mecanique des ruptures." Computer Music Journal vol. 20, no. 4 (1996).

Boyle, D. "The Ontology of Virtual Performance." Context no. 8 (Summer 1994–95).

Camilleri, L. and Smalley, D. "The Analysis of Electroacoustic Music: Introduction." Journal of New Music Research vol. 27 (June 1998).

Causton, R. "Berio's Visage and the Theatre of Electroacoustic Music." Tempo no. 194 (October 1995).

Clemans, Holly O. "Davidovsky's Synchronisms #1: An Analysis and Performance Guide." The Flutist Quarterly (Fall 1990).

Cross, Lowell. "Electronic Music, 1948-1953." Perspectives of New Music (Fall-Winter 1968).

Cummings, Robert. "The Composer in the Computer Age, III." Computer Music Journal vol. 21, no. 2 (Summer 1997).

Desantos, S. "Acoustic Morphology: An Interview with Francois Boyle." Computer Music Journal vol. 21, no. 3 (Fall 1997).

Dick, Robert. "Contemporary Concerns: Making the Composer-Performer Relationship Work." The Flutist Quarterly (Winter 1989).

DiScipio, A. "Centrality of Technique for an Aesthetic Approach on Electroacoustic Music." Journal of New Music Research vol. 24, no. 4 (1995).

DiScipio, A. "Cognitive Musicology: Inseparable Models of Materials and of Musical Design in Electroacoustic and Computer Music." Journal of New Music Research vol. 24, no. 1 (1995).

Ellsworth, T. "Composers in Academia: Women Composers at American Colleges and Universities." Contemporary Music Review vol. 16, no. 1-2 (1997).

Emmerson, S. "The Analysis of Electroacoustic Music: The Acoustic/Electroacoustic Relationship with Instruments." Journal of New Music Research (June 1998).

Feist, D. "Electroacoustic Music." Words and Music vol. 2, no. 7, (1995).

Glover, B. "Whistle Tones." Flute Talk (April 1998).

Goll-Wilson, Kathy. "Robert Dick Extends the Boundaries." Flute Talk (November 1989).

Heiss, John. "The Flute: New Sounds." Perspectives of New Music (Spring/Summer 1972).

Heiss, John. "Multiple-Sonorities for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, and Bassoon." Perspectives of New Music (Fall/Winter 1968).

Heiss, John. "For the Flute: A List of Double-Stops, Triple-Stops, Quadruple-Stops, and Shakes." Perspectives of New Music (Fall/Winter 1966).

Helmuth, M. "Multidimensional Representation of Electroacoustic Music." Journal of New Music Research vol. 25, no. 1 (1996).

Jameux, Dominique. "Boulez and the Machine: Some thoughts on the Composer's Use of Various Electro-Acoustic Media." Contemporary Music Review vol.1, no. 1 (1984).

Kaiser, Karl. "Aesthetics and Electroacoustic Music." Computer Music Journal vol. 21, no. 3 (Fall 1997).

Keane, D. Review of Diane Thome recording, Palaces of Memory, Centaur Records CRC 2229. Computer Music Journal vol. 20 (Winter 1996).

Keats, Sheila. "Reference Articles on American Composers: An Index." Juilliard Review (Fall 1954).

Kimura, M. "Performance Practice in Computer Music." Computer Music Journal vol. 19, no. 1 (Spring 1995).

Kropfl, Francisco. "Electronic Music: From Analog Control to Computer." Computer Music Journal vol. 21, no. 1 (Spring 1997).

Kujala, S. R. "The Contemporary Flutist." Flute Talk (October 1989).

Landy, L. "The Something to Hold on to Factor in Timbral Composition." Contemporary Music Review vol. 10, no. 2 (1994).

MacDonald, A. "Performance Practice in the Presentation of Electroacoustic Music." Computer Music Journal vol. 19, no. 4 (Fall 1995).

Moore, F. R. "Dreams of Computer Music." Computer Music Journal vol. 20, no. 1 (Spring 1996).

Pennycook, B. "Live Elecroacoustic Music: Old Problems, New Solutions." Journal of New Music Research vol. 26, no. 1 (1997).

Pierce, J. R. "Computer Music, Coming and Going." Computer Music Journal vol. 20, no. 1 (Spring 1996).

Pope, Stephen Travis. "For Lack of a Better Word by any Other Name." Computer Music Journal vol. 16, no. 1 (Spring 1992).

Pope, Stephen Travis. "Touched by Machine? Composition and Performance in the Digital Age." Computer Music Journal vol. 19, no. 3 (Fall 1995).

Potter, C. "Exploring the Alto Flute." Flutist's Quarterly (Winter 1989).

Risset, Jean-Claude. "Real-world Sounds and Simulacra in My Computer Music." Contemporary Music Review vol. 15, no. 102 (1996).

Risset, Jean-Claude and Van Duyne, S. "Real-time Performance Interaction with a Computer-Controlled Acoustic Piano." Computer Music Journal vol. 20, no. 1 (Spring 1996).

Iturbide, M. Rocha. "Unfolding the Natural Sound Object Through Electroacoustic Composition." Journal of New Music Research vol. 24, no. 4 (1995).

Schrader, Barry. "Live/Electro-acoustic Music." Contemporary Music Review vol. 6, Part 1 (1991).

Simoni, M. "Discovery: Palaces of Memory: Electro-Acoustic Music." Women of Note vol. 5, no. 1 (1997).

Smalley, D. "Defining Timbre — Refining Timbre." Contemporary Music Review vol. 10, no. 2 (1994).

Smalley, D. "The Listening Imagination: Listening in the Electroacoustic Era." Contemporary Music Review vol. 13, no. 2, (1996).

Stockhausen, Karlheinz. "Electroacoustic Performance Practice." Perspectives of New Music vol. 34, no. 1 (1996).

Tabor, J. N. "Electro Acoustic Music V: Highlights from 1994 Technology and the Composers Conference." Computer Music Journal vol. 22, no. 1 (Spring 1998).

Teitelbaum, Richard. "SON-NOVA 1988: Electronic Music by Arel, Davidovsky, Ussachevsky." Perspectives of New Music (Fall/Winter 1964).

Ten Hoopen, C. "Issues in Timbre and Perception." Contemporary Music Review vol. 10, no. 2 (1994).

Thome, Diane. "Artist's Note: Reflections on Collaborative Process and Compositional Revolution." Leonardo Music Journal volume 5 (1995), 29–32.

Tiechui, Wang. "Notes on Special Techniques of Flute Performance." Chinese Musician vol. 12 (1989).

Truax, B. "Soundscape, Acoustic Communication and Environmental Sound Composition." Contemporary Music Review vol. 15, no. 1-2 (1996).

Vaggione, H. "Timbre as Syntax: A Spectral Modeling Approach." Contemporary Music Review vol. 10, no. 2, (1994).

Vaughan, M. "The Human-Machine Interface in Electroacoustic Music Composition." Contemporary Music Review vol. 10, no. 2 (1994).

Windson, W. L. "Using Auditory Information for Events in Electroacoustic Music." Contemporary Music Review vol. 10, no. 2 (1994).

Wuorinen, Charles. "Notes on the Performance of Contemporary Music." Perspectives of New Music (Fall/Winter 1964).

Young, J. "Imagining the Source: The Interplay of Realism and Abstraction in Electroacoustic Music." Contemporary Music Review vol. 15, no. 1-2 (1996).

Yuasa, J. "Theater as an Environmental Medium." Perspectives of New Music vol. 31, no. 2 (1993).

Yuasa, J. "The Degeneration of Music — What Does it Mean?" Perspectives of New Music vol. 31, no. 3 (1993).

Written Material Accompanying Recordings

Crumb, George. Liner notes to Aeolian Chamber Players, Vox Balaenae, for 3 Masked Players. Columbia Records (Modern American Series) M32739 (1974).

Antas, Linda. Composer's Notes. From liner notes to CDCM Computer Music Series, Vol. 31. Music from CARTAH University of Washington. Centaur Records CRC 2512 (2001).

Battey, Bret. Composer's Notes. From liner notes to CDCM Computer Music Series, Vol. 31. Music from CARTAH University of Washington. Centaur Records CRC 2512 (2001).

Erb, Donald. Liner notes to Music for Instruments and Electronic Sounds. Nonesuch Records H-71223 (1969).

Gelles, George. Liner notes to Bright Air / Brilliant Fire: ElectroAcoustic Music. Centaur Records Inc. CRC 2527 (2001).

Goldstein, Perry. Liner notes to New Music Consort, Double Music. New World Records NW 330 (1985).

Howe, Hubert S. Jr. Liner notes to Harvey Sollberger, Electronic Music Winners. Oddyssey Y 34139 (1976).

Karpen, Richard. Composer's Notes. From liner notes to CDCM Computer Music Series, Vol. 31. Music from CARTAH University of Washington. Centaur Records CRC 2512 (2001).

Liner notes to The Varese Album. Columbia Records MG 31078 (1972).

Melante, G. P. Liner notes to Samuel Baron, Music for Flute and Tape. Nonesuch Records H-71289 (1974).

Moore, Douglas. Liner notes to Harvey Sollberger performance of Davidovsky's Synchronisms #1. Chamber Variations for Twelve Players and Conductor. Composers Recordings, Inc. CRI SD 204–LP (1966).

Thome, Diane. Liner notes to Computer Music Journal Sound Anthology, Volume 22. CMJ VOL 22 CD (1998).

Web Sites
Note: the Web being an inherently ephemeral medium, some URLs may no longer be available.

Antas, Linda. Linda Antas Homepage. <http://students.washington.edu/lantas/> May 2002.

Austin, Kevin. "Capturing, Crystalizing and Fragmenting Time: An Introduction to Sonic Arts." November 2001. <http://music.concordia.ca/FFAR_Reading_Ea.html> May 2002.

Battey, Bret. Bret Battey / Bat Hat Media. Composer's official web site. <http://staff.washington.edu/bbattey/> Also, <http://www.bathatmedia.com/>. May 2002.

Catalog description and notes for Iannis Xenakis, Kraanerg (Asphodel, 1997). Bullhead City, AZ: Eclipse Records. <http://www.eclipse-records.com/catalog/x_1.html> (3 June 2002).

Inventors Assistance League. "History of Electronic Music." <http://www.inventions.org/electronic-music/>. May 2002.

Hass, Prof. Jeffrey. "Electronic Music Historical Overview." 24 August 1999. <http://www.indiana.edu/~emusic/elechist.htm>. May 2002.

"History of Electronic Music, Automatic Instruments and Composition Machines."

<http://www.elektronik.co.uk/hist-elek.htm>. May 2002.

Karpen, Richard. Richard Karpen's Home Page. <http://faculty.washington.edu/karpen/> May 2002.

The Living Composers Project. "Thome, Diane." 13 January 2002. <http://www.composers21.com/compdocs/thomed.htm> May 2002.

McCartney, Andra. "Soundscape Composition and the Subversion of Electroacoustic Norms." eContact! 3.4 (July 2000). <http://cec.concordia.ca/econtact/Histories/SoundscapeComposition.htm>. May 2002

Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc. "Diane Thome." Composers Bureau. <http://www.sai-national.org/phil/composers/dthome.html> May 2002.

Sigma Alpha Iota Publications, 1996 — 1997 Annual American Composers Update: Diane Thome, 21 March 1998, <http://www.sai-national.org/pubs/win98/dthome.html> (15 May 2002).

Snyder, Jeff. "Pierre Schaeffer: Inventor of Musique Concrete." <http://csunix1.lvc.edu/~snyder/em/schaef.html>. May 2002.

Sophie [last name unknown]. "Electroacoustic Music: The New Possibilities." Circa 1998. <http://music.concordia.ca/Programs/Electroacoustics/Student_Links/Sophie/electro.html> May 2002.

Thome, Diane. "UW School of Music — Faculty Bio: Diane Thome." Composer's official home page. <http://faculty.washington.edu/dthome/> May 2002.

Email Communications

Antas, Linda. "Re: Interview with you." 22 May 2002 (a). Personal email. (22 May 2002)

Antas, Linda. "Re: Interview with you." 22 May 2002 (b). Personal email. (22 May 2002)

Antas, Linda. "Re: Interview with you." 23 May 2002. Personal email. (23 May 2002)

Bartlett, Bruce. "Popular Mic Techniques for Studio Recording." <http://www.tape.com/techinfo/mics.html> (17 June 2002).

Battey, Bret. "PNTC Stuff." 3 May 2002. Personal email. (3 May 2002)

Battey, Bret. "Sarahnotes." Attachment to "Interview Q's." 31 May 2002. Personal email. (31 May 2002)

Karpen, Richard. "Re: Discography and Worklist." 9 June 2002. Personal email. (9 June 2002)

Sundell, Spencer. "Toward a definition of 'electroacoustic'." 3 June 2002. Personal email. (3 June 2002)


Linda Antas. Interview by author. Seattle, WA, 30 May 2002.

Linda Antas. Interview by author. Seattle, WA 17 June 2002.

Bret Battey. Email interview by author. 20–30 May 2002. Attachment to "Interview Q's." (31 May 2002)

Mario Davidovsky. Telephone interview by Bruce Duffie. Tape recording. Chicago, IL, 4 February 1994.

Richard Karpen. Interview by author. Tape recording. Seattle, WA, 9 April 2002.

Elizabeth McNutt. Telephone interview by author. Tape recording. 11 June 2002.

Patricia Spencer. Telephone interview by author. Tape recording. 9 June 2002.

Diane Thome. Interview by Bruce Duffie. Tape recording. Seattle, WA, 30 July 1987.

Diane Thome. Interview by author. Seattle, WA, 31 May 2002.

Diane Thome. Unedited recording of radio interview by Dave Beck, The Beat, KUOW-FM 94.9. Tape recording. Seattle, WA, 28 May 2002

Electroacoustic Music for the Flute by Sarah Louise Bassingthwaighte.
Copyright © 2002 by Sarah Louise Bassingthwaighte. All rights reserved.